Friday 21 June 2013

Anne Hathaway Is Making the Most Annoying Movie Ever

Anne Hathaway

Outlying Princess Diaries devotees aside, the world has pretty much decided that Anne Hathaway is annoying. It might be how much she reminds us of the overzealous theater kids from our high school days, or her penchant for award show mic stealing, but we've all pretty much jumped on the bandwagon by now. So Anne Hathaway stuck on a lifeboat after losing her new husband? Oh, the pouting that will ensue...
The film in question is an adaptation of Charlotte Rogan's novel The Lifeboat, which  reports is casting the Les Miserables star to headline as widow and Poseidon's latest victim Grace Winter. The story, set in 1914, places Grace on trial for murder following the tumultuous events at sea. After realizing that the lifeboat providing sanctuary to the passengers of the sunken transatlantic Empress is grossly overcrowded, those aboard institute their own private ad hoc system of Lord of the Flies-ian population control to reduce the number of people on the ship.
So, as we can anticipate a whole lot of whining and impassioned diatribes about her right to live — not to mention the equally ribald courtroom scenes that seem like they'll act as bookends to the flashback story — we might be considering the increasingly pleasant-sounding drowning alternative on this one.

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