Ever since you heard that the new episodes of Arrested Development were scheduled to hit Netflix on May 26, you have probably entertained a pretty important question: When, exactly, are they going to appear online? Midnight? Afternoon? Immediately following the night's broadcast of Mock Trial with J. Reinhold? Well, the answer is as Ann as the nose on Plain's face... or at least it will be. Twilio employees and AD fans Jonathan
Gottfried and Michael Selvidge have created a text alert service to let
any willing Bluth-lovers know exactly when the episodes join the
conclaves of the Internet.To jump on the bandwagon (or, perhaps, hop on the stair car), just text ANN to the mobile number (619) 344-8325 ... which, incidentally, spells out EGG-VEAL. You'll receive the following response:
You will now be alerted via Twilio SMS once Arrested Development Season 4 is live on Netflix. If you made a huge mistake, reply with COME ON to unsubscribe.
A few lucky participants will also receive the markedly more AD-appropriate reply:
Way to plant... your passions into a great idea, Gottfried and Selvidge.
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