Wednesday 3 July 2013

Star Wars Nerd Machine Discussion - HD Movie - Alison Haislip

Nerd Machine's David Coleman & Alison Haislip join Movieclips' Ryan & Andrew to discuss all things Star Wars related.

0:25 - What are we exited to see in the franchise
1:10 - JJ transitioning from Star Trek to Star Wars
2:15 - Characters we'd like to see return
3:35 - Gaging fan excitement for a new series
4:55 - Nerdy theories
5:34 - Expanding or contracting universe?
6:34 - Lens flare! (you can't discuss JJ without a lens flare segment)
7:31 - Consequences of the Disney acquisition
8:26 - A new hope (other movies, new directors, new stories)

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