Monday, 13 May 2013

'Revenge' Season 2 Finale: Will Emily's SPOILER Make You Watch Again?

Revenge, Season Finale
And so, Revenge's troubled, wildly disappointing sophomore season has come to an end. Its producers must have known that Season 3 renewal was guaranteed because they did absolutely nothing to wrap up any of Emily's loose ends in "Truth," the two-hour finale packed with spoilers including one designed to hook you for the fall. But the creators of Revenge did finally seem to acknowledge their mistakes and offer several solutions for correcting them.
First of all, they cleaned house. The biggest mistake of Season 2 was the continual addition of new characters who added absolutely nothing to Emily's quest: her mother, her foster brother, Padma, the Ryan Brothers, Victoria's various flirtations. By the end they were all pared away from the show. But Revenge cleaned house even further. Just three months after finally axing Fake Amanda, they decided to kill off the series' most reviled character, Declan (Connor Paolo), following the bombing of Grayson Global. The only thing is, he wasn't nearly as reviled as he used to be in Season 1. But no matter. He had nothing more to contribute. It does make you wonder why they never decided to kill Charlotte as well, but I guess Krista Allen's fetching jawline ensures her continued existence on the show. Girl is cute.
For much of the finale, though, I found myself thinking that what Revenge has become is nothing for which I originally signed up. These were two hours full of large-scale terrorism and bloodshed, revolving around characters talking about cyber-attacks and "hacking into mainframes" — the first series since the '90s to think mainframes are still essential to computer processing. Some of the revelations in "Truth" were obvious: Takeda had a much, much younger fiancee who died on Flight 197? Duh! But the one everyone will be talking about — Emily confessing to Jack that she's Amanda Clarke right as he was about to pull the trigger and kill Conrad — is the one everyone will talk about. Except that it's the equivalent of the Season 1 finale of Lost. It goes down the hatch-hole but doesn't allow you to see anything inside: there was no glimpse of Jack's initial reaction. It was a stalling-for-time tactic as its writers figure out what the heck to do with Season 3 now that creator Mike Kelley is jumping ship. And thus, like everything else with Season 2, a major disappointment.
What did you think of the Revenge finale? Will you be watching in the fall?

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