Sunday, 5 May 2013

Lindsay Lohan Tells Piers Morgan She Loves Ecstasy, Is Not Bisexual

Piers Morgan interviews Lindsay Lohan

Getty Images
Just weeks before entering court-ordered rehab — the actress is currently a patient at the Betty Ford Center — Lindsay Lohan sat down with Piers Morgan for a candid interview about her transformation from beloved child star to tragicially wasted has-been. And though we thought the revealing New York Times piece about her bizarre behavior on the set of The Canyons was as close as we would get to the troubled 26-year-old actress, Morgan managed to convince Lohan to discuss her drug history and her sexual history. Read below for the eight craziest quotes from the interview and try not to shed a tear remembering how much you loved The Parent Trap.
On Her First Drink: "I got really sick and Mum made me sleep with vomit still on me so I’d understand how it felt. I didn’t drink again throughout high school. I was too scared!"
On How Often She Uses Cocaine: "Everyone thinks I’ve done it so many times. But I’ve only done it maybe four or five times in my life ... I took it four times in a period from about the age of 20 to 23, and I got caught twice."
On Her Drug of Choice: "Pot, obviously. And ecstasy. I liked that better than the others (giggles). I didn’t drink on it, so I was just chilling. It’s something that a lot of people experience when they’re in college. I just should have known that being in the public eye, someone was bound to say something or try to make some money off it."
On Her Drinking Habits: "I’ve never been a huge drinker. I’ve never woken up in the morning and had a drink."
But, On Second Thought...: "But when I was younger I was definitely going out too much and I was drinking too much."
On Rehab: "I’ve been court-ordered to do it six times. I could write the book on rehab. Constantly sending me to rehab is pointless. The first few times I was court-ordered to rehab it was like a joke, like killing time."
On Whether or Not She's Bisexual: "Not really. I like being in a relationship with a guy. But there’s something just different about it with a woman. When I was with Samantha (Ronson), I didn’t want to leave, because I didn’t want to be alone. It was very toxic. And her family controlled anything she did ... I know I’m straight. I have made out with girls before, and I had a relationship with a girl. But I think I needed to experience that and I think I was looking for something different."
Still, the craziest moment of all happened post-interview, when Lohan and Morgan filmed a video that proved their interview and the fact that perhaps Lohan takes her demons a bit too lightly:

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