Thursday, 23 May 2013

Don't Talk About Justin Bieber's Parties, He Might Sue You

Justin Bieber
Sara Jaye Weiss/Startraks Photo
As if abandoning his pet monkey in Germany wasn't ridiculous enough, now Justin Bieber has the ability to sue his party guests for $5 million.
TMZ is reporting that anyone who attends a party at Bieber's Calabasas, Calif. home must sign a Liability Waiver and Release. The release states that guests are not allowed to discuss any of the goings-on at Bieber's place. All activities there are considered private, including the "physical health, or the philosophical, spiritual or other views or characteristics" of Bieber and his guests. If you violate these terms you are automatically liable to be sued for $5 million. 
The waiver also warns guests that activities are "potentially hazardous and you should not participate unless you are medically able and properly trained." And what's more, the risks involved in these activities range from "minor injuries to catastrophic injuries, including death."
So if you happen to attend a Justin Bieber party, don't talk about it — unless of course you have a spare $5 million lying around. Because what happens at Bieber's stays at Bieber's. 

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