Just as real as the general public's emotional investment in May 5 as more than just an excuse to go all Caligula are the various beverages suggested by our pals on the small screen as worthy liver-killers for just such an occasion. Yes, television has come up with some wily alcoholic concoctions — some that seem like they'd fit just fine as staples in your liquor cabinet, others that warrant a hesitant morbid curiosity. Here's Hollywood.com's 100-proof menu of TV drinks to make your Cinco de Mayo a bit more... colorful.
Old SpanishFrom the top shelves of: 30 Rock, recently re-bottled by the Mad Men universe
Ingredients: Red wine, tonic water, and olives
Drinking buddies: The cowardly White House employee Cooter Burger (pictured above), or Peggy Olson's all-smiles boss Ted.
Snake JuiceFrom the top shelves of: Parks and Recreation
Ingredients: The official description of Snake Juice is "a bunch of alcohol mixed together, some sugar and coffee, and some other junk, and it kinda tastes like Kahlua."
Drinking buddies: An overly confident Tom Haverford, a belligerent Leslie Knope, a musically-insistent Andy Dwyer, and (best of all) a giddily dancing Ron Swanson.
VodorangekaFrom the top shelves of: The Office
Ingredients: Vodka and orange juice... no, it's not a screwdriver. They're completely different.
Drinking buddies: Michael Scott... and probably Meredith Palmer.
Flaming MoeFrom the top shelves of: The Simpsons
Ingredients: 1 oz each brandy, peppermint schnapps, sloe gin, blackberry licquer, strawberry juice, and a bunch of cough syrup.
Drinking buddies: Co-creators Homer Simpson and Moe Szyslak, with Carl, Lenny, and Barney Gumble also being reliable choices.
Black Yukon Sucker PunchFrom the top shelves of: Twin Peaks
Ingredients: 1 shot each Yukon Black and Blackberry Brandy, a dash of bitters, and one egg white.
Drinking buddies: A reluctant Sheriff Harry Truman, a slow-sipping Agent Dale Cooper, and any eager justice of the peace you can muster up.
Drink responsibly, everybody. While TV paints a vivid picture, it doesn't always capture the true perils of alcohol: nasty hangovers and the proclivity for drunk texts. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
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