On Tuesday, Angelina Jolie revealed to the world that had an elective double mastectomy after she learned that she had an 87 percent change of getting breast cancer. Brad Pitt, Jolie's fiancé and the father of her six children, called the multiple procedure operation a "heroic" move. But now that Jolie's chances of getting breast cancer have been reduced to five percent, she's planning her next step in the fight against cancer.
In the New York Times article that Jolie penned about her mastectomy, she also admitted that doctors informed her that she had a 50 percent chance of developing ovarian cancer. So, according to People magazine, the 37-year-old actress and director has decided to have one more surgery to have her ovaries removed.
People reports that some doctors advise women to get this procedure done before they reach the age of 40, or when they are done having kids. The downside of the procedure is that it could cause Jolie to start early menopause.
Jolie said in her Times article that she decided to get her double mastectomy so that she will have a better chance at living a longer life. She also wrote that she hopes that other women follow her example and get tested for the BRAC1 gene, which can tell you your chances of getting breast and ovarian cancer.
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