Brian To/WENN
There are many kinds of super villains. There are the comically
maniacal, the intellectual debonair, and — most villainous of all —
those who can be summed up with the word "intense." Those of us whose
childhoods involved adherence to everything and anything with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles label
will remember Shredder as a member of the latter category. The dark,
fearsome baddie set up camp in many a child's nightmares, reigning
supreme as perhaps the scariest cartoon villain of the era. And so, it
is only appropriate that the duly shudder-worthy William Fichtner be
cast as the character in Michael Bay's developing Ninja Turtles movie.The Huffington Post Canada conducted an interview with Fichtner, during which he revealed the casting: "I play Shredder. It is cool," Fichtner said. "It's one of those things that came along where I thought, 'Really? Let me think about this for a minute.' [Laughs] Then I was like, 'Yeah, OK, this sounds like a journey.' I'm very glad that it worked out, I'm really glad that I'm doing it."
Having brought his talents of intensity to Prison Break, Black Hawk Down, and this year's Phantom, and proven himself comically capable in Entourage and Wrong, Fichtner is an optimistic choice for Bay's turtle power picture. Now let's talk Krang...
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